calgary family therapy

Calgary Family Therapy Services

Calgary Family Therapy Services

Family Therapy

In family therapy, a careful assessment is made of how individuals interact from a the perspective of their relationship (systems perspective). How individuals interact with one another (good or bad) affects how they feel about each other, which in turn affects their interaction.

Calgary’s Shannon St. Pierre is able to facilitate conversation between both parties by opening the lines of communication in a non-threatening manner. Often, it is the case that each individual needs to feel understood and cherished in their own unique way.

Recognizing the unique characteristics and traits each party has and cherishing these qualities builds good feelings about the other person. It is precisely these good feelings, which are needed to cultivate other good feelings such as intimacy (relational or sexual).


Be a Functional Family

  • Marriage and Family Relationships
  • Strengthen Family Solidarity
  • Separated/Blended and Step Families
  • Custody Mediation
  • Family/Parent Resolution
  • Pre-Marriage Counseling
  • Negotiation and Fair Fighting Skills
  • Quality of Life and Re-Marriage Preparation
  • Concerns of Men and Women
  • Co-Dependency
  • Secrets, Resolution of Family History Issues
  • Alcohol and Drug Dependencies
  • Lying, Gambling


Shannon St. Pierre is a seasoned therapist who tends to work in a calm way, disentangling each piece of the problem so that a clear understanding can be attained of the issues at hand.

Good feelings are generated within the session so that these good feelings can be restored within their relationship. Shannon assists the client in gaining a greater sense of well-being, especially so that the client can begin to mobilize those things which strengthen them.  Some of the things which could be seen as strengthening could include; other people, involvement in the arts, time alone, a sense of family or maybe even religion. Throughout this whole process of “individuation,” clients can better make use of their gifts and/or more fully develop their gifts.

In anger management, clients are taught to get through their feelings of intensity so that they can regain respect for themselves and regain the respect of others.

Expanding strengths and reaching full potential through hypnosis will help you; improve sales, improve athletic performance, public speak, and gain peek performance.

Fostering intimate close relationships involve inner and emotional healing. Healing childhood events and managing life transitions, moves clients forward from a place of being trapped.

 Contact us at:

#217   1632 14 Avenue Northwest
Calgary, AB T2N 1M7
Tel: (403) 282-1474